Denver Breast Reduction

Enhance the Real You

Breast reduction surgery can alleviate discomfort or pain caused by over-developed breasts. Denver board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Buford uses the VASER-Assisted Breast Reduction technique to provide his Lone Tree patients with beautiful results.

Women come in all shapes and sizes, and so do their breasts. But for those whose busts are a little too bountiful, it can be difficult to feel confident—physical pain, breast asymmetry, and difficulty finding clothes that fit are just a few of the symptoms that may be making you feel uncomfortable.


What Is VASER-Assisted Breast Reduction?

The VASER-Assisted Breast Reduction is a revolutionary surgical procedure designed for women who've been dreaming of smaller, perkier, lighter breasts without the scars and incisions associated with traditional breast reduction surgeries. The VASER-Assisted Breast Reduction is the latest advancement in cosmetic breast surgeries and has shown great promise in its early stages of practice.

Dr. Buford uses this liposuction technology to suck out the fatty components that tend to weigh larger breasts down, allowing the breast tissue to shrink, lift, and reduce in volume.


Breast Self-Assessment

Before you meet with Dr. Buford for your consultation, consider filling out our breast self-assessment. By sharing how you see yourself, we can best evaluate your aesthetic goals and determine an appropriate treatment plan for you.

Download the breast self-assessment form

How VASER-Assisted Breast Reduction Works

At BEAUTY by BUFORD, Dr. Buford understands the physical and emotional impact of having overly large breasts. If you’re considering breast reduction, our advanced VASER-assisted technique offers a transformative solution. Here's how VASER-assisted breast reduction works:


Personalized Consultation

During your initial consultation, Dr. Buford will conduct a thorough evaluation and discuss your goals and concerns.

So that you’ll feel comfortable and confident and know exactly what to expect from your procedure, he’ll also carefully and patiently explain how the VASER-assisted procedure removes excess breast tissue while preserving important structures so that you get the natural-looking results you deserve.


Preparing for Surgery

Prior to your procedure, Dr. Buford and our compassionate team of industry-leading experts will provide detailed pre-operative instructions.

These instructions may include adjusting medications, avoiding certain substances, and arranging for post-operative care. We’ll ensure you are fully prepared and have all the necessary information to feel confident and comfortable.


VASER-Assisted Technique

On the day of your surgery, we’ll administer anesthesia so you have a comfortable experience. Dr. Buford will make small, strategically placed incisions to access the breast tissue based on your personalized treatment plan.

The VASER-assisted device will emit ultrasound energy, selectively targeting and breaking down the excess fat cells. This allows for more precise removal and sculpting of the breast tissue.


Excess Tissue Removal & Contouring

Once the excess breast tissue has been treated with the VASER-assisted technique, Dr. Buford will gently remove the excess tissue before reshaping and contouring the remaining breast tissue to create a more balanced, natural, and aesthetically pleasing breast silhouette.


Incision Closure & Recovery

After the procedure, Dr. Buford will close your incisions, and our expert team will apply post-operative dressings to support and encourage healing.

Then, we’ll provide you with detailed post-operative instructions, including information about pain management, activities to avoid, and proper care of the surgical site. We’ll closely monitor your progress during the recovery period, ensuring your comfort and addressing any concerns along the way.

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Benefits of VASER-Assisted Breast Reduction

For the right candidate, VASER-Assisted Breast Reduction can offer impressive results and a more comfortable experience than a traditional reduction mammoplasty procedure. Benefits include:

  • No need for large anchor or lollipop incisions
  • Fewer and smaller incisions mean minimal scarring
  • Patients heal up to two weeks faster

While the VASER-Assisted Breast Reduction can be performed on any woman seeking breast reduction surgery, it's best suited for younger patients with greater skin elasticity.

"We've seen excellent results with the VASER-Assisted Breast Reduction. Not only are our patients happy with the lack of scarring and shortened downtime, many are thrilled with the results and the newfound freedom of having lighter, perkier, scar-free breasts."

- Gregory A. Buford, MD, FACS, PCEO

Recovering From Breast Reduction

Recovering from breast reduction surgery is a critical period that paves the way for your new outlook on life, comfort, and confidence. Understanding the recovery process is crucial for a smooth and comfortable healing journey. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the recovery phase post-breast reduction surgery.

Immediate Post-Surgery

  • Day of Surgery: Following breast reduction, you'll spend a short period in a recovery room where medical professionals will monitor your vital signs as you wake up from anesthesia. Initially, you'll feel groggy, and you'll notice bandages or a surgical bra covering your breasts, possibly with drainage tubes to remove excess fluid.
  • First 24 Hours: It's normal to experience pain, swelling, and bruising. Your surgeon will prescribe pain medication to manage discomfort and antibiotics to prevent infection. Plan to have someone drive you home and help you during the first few days post-surgery.

The First Week

  • Home Recovery: Rest is paramount. Sleep with your head elevated to reduce swelling. Follow your surgeon's instructions on wound care meticulously to promote healing and reduce the risk of infection.
  • Activity Level: You should avoid strenuous activities, but light walking is encouraged to improve circulation and prevent blood clots. Lifting anything heavy or raising your arms above your head is off-limits during this initial recovery phase.
  • Managing Symptoms: Swelling and bruising are at their peak during the first week. Use ice packs as directed by your surgeon to help minimize swelling. Wearing your supportive surgical bra 24/7 is essential for support and comfort.

Weeks Two to Six

  • Gradual Improvement: You'll notice a gradual reduction in swelling and discomfort. Most patients can return to work and normal daily activities within 1-2 weeks, depending on the nature of their job and how they feel.
  • Follow-Up Visits: You'll have appointments with your surgeon to remove sutures (if not absorbable) and check on your healing progress. These visits are crucial for monitoring recovery and addressing any concerns.
  • Physical Limitations: Continue to avoid heavy lifting and vigorous exercise until your surgeon gives the green light, typically around 4-6 weeks post-surgery.

Long-term Recovery

  • Scarring: Incision lines will remain, but they significantly fade and improve over time. Your surgeon may recommend scar treatment creams or therapies to enhance the appearance of scars.
  • Final Results: While you'll notice changes in breast size and shape immediately, the final results of your breast reduction may take several months to fully materialize as swelling subsides completely.
  • Emotional Well-being: Emotional ups and downs are normal as you adjust to your new body image. Support from friends, family, or a professional can be beneficial.

Is a Breast Reduction Right for You?

Choosing to undergo a breast reduction is a deeply personal decision. At BEAUTY by BUFORD, Dr. Buford is dedicated to providing you with the information and support you need to make an informed choice. Here are some factors to consider when determining if a breast reduction is right for you:


Physical Discomfort

If you experience physical discomfort such as back, neck, or shoulder pain, bra strap indentations, or skin irritation due to the weight and size of your breasts, a breast reduction can provide significant relief. It can also improve your posture and enhance your overall comfort, allowing you to enjoy a more active and pain-free lifestyle.


Emotional Well-Being

Large breasts can have a significant impact on your self-esteem and body image. If you feel self-conscious, struggle with finding well-fitting clothing, or experience limitations in physical activities due to the size of your breasts, a breast reduction can help you regain confidence and improve your overall emotional well-being.


Personal Goals

Consider your personal goals and aesthetic preferences. If you desire a more proportionate and balanced breast appearance, a breast reduction can help you achieve the desired size and shape. Dr. Buford will work closely with you to understand your goals and develop a customized surgical plan that aligns with your vision.


Expert Consultation

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Buford to discuss your individual circumstances — including your breast size, shape, and overall health — as well as your concerns and goals.

Our compassionate team will provide comprehensive information about the procedure, address any questions or apprehensions you may have, and guide you through the decision-making process to help you find comfort, confidence, and a renewed sense of self.

Breast Reduction FAQs

Ready to Make a Change?

If you're considering breast reduction surgery in Denver, Dr. Buford will be happy to meet with you to answer your questions and help you understand all aspects of the breast reduction procedure. Contact us at our Lone Tree plastic surgery practice today to schedule your consultation and get started on a new you.