Find Confidence & Comfort With Your Body

At BEAUTY by BUFORD, we understand the importance of feeling comfortable in your skin. Dr. Buford specializes in nipple reduction and revision procedures to help you regain confidence.

What Is a Nipple Reduction & Revision?

If you want to reduce the size, reshape, or correct asymmetry, you're in the right place. Dr. Buford uses a personalized approach for natural-looking results.

Nipple reduction and revision can address various aesthetic and functional issues. This gives you a more proportionate look to boost your confidence.

Dr. Buford will explain the process and explore the benefits of the procedure. He'll help you make an informed decision to reach your goals.

Experience the transformative power of nipple reduction and revision at our Lone Tree office. Dr. Buford uses artistry and expertise to enhance your confidence and restore comfort.

How Nipple Reduction & Revision Works

Dr. Buford takes a personalized approach to nipple reduction and revision. During your consultation, he'll discuss your concerns and the results you want. Then, you'll get a tailored treatment plan to help you reach your goals.

To help ensure the best, most natural-looking results, Dr. Buford considers several factors in creating your treatment plan, including:

  • Nipple size
  • Nipple shape
  • Symmetry
  • Breast proportion

Surgical Techniques

Dr. Buford is an expert in cosmetic nipple procedures. He'll guide you through the process and help you feel comfortable. There are a few techniques he may use, including:

  • Nipple size reduction involves removing excess tissue to create better proportion and symmetry.
  • Nipple shape enhancement corrects irregularities by reshaping or repositioning the nipples.
  • Correcting asymmetry creates a balance between the nipples.

Types of Nipple Reductions & Revisions

Dr. Buford utilizes different nipple reduction and revision procedures to help you feel more confident with your body.

Reduction Mammoplasty

Reduction mammoplasty is a common technique to reduce the size and improve the appearance of enlarged nipples. Dr. Buford removes excess tissue and reshapes the nipple to create a more even result.

Nipple Reshaping & Repositioning

Nipple reshaping and repositioning techniques correct irregularities in shape or position. Sculpting the nipple and adjusting its placement enhances symmetry and restores confidence.

The Benefits of Nipple Reduction & Revision

Dr. Buford can address both aesthetic and functional concerns through corrective nipple surgery. Discover the benefits that nipple reduction and revision procedures can offer.

Enhanced Confidence & Comfort

By addressing nipple size, shape, and symmetry, you can embrace your natural beauty and feel more confident with your body.

Improved Proportions & Symmetry

Nipple reduction and revision procedures can improve proportions and symmetry. Dr. Buford can harmonize your breast appearance and create a more balanced aesthetic.

Clothing Options & Wardrobe Freedom

With nipple reduction and revision, you can expand your clothing options and wear outfits you weren't sure about. You'll be confident expressing yourself through style when you feel great about your body.

What to Expect on Surgery Day

Preparing for your nipple reduction and revision surgery helps create a smooth experience in our Lone Tree office. Here's an overview of what you can expect on the day of your procedure.

Pre-Surgical Preparations

Before your surgery, Dr. Buford will give you instructions on how to prepare, including any restrictions. He'll answer any questions so you feel informed and prepared.

The Surgical Procedure

Corrective nipple surgery is performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia. This ensures your comfort throughout the procedure.

Dr. Buford and his experienced team will execute your surgical plan. He focuses on natural-looking results while minimizing scarring and promoting optimal healing.

Post-Surgery Recovery & Care

After your surgery, you'll get post-operative instructions for a smooth recovery. Our team will guide you through proper wound care, pain management techniques and provide ongoing support to ensure a comfortable and successful healing journey.

Is Nipple Surgery Right for You?

Candidates for nipple reduction and revision surgery have concerns about nipple size, shape, or asymmetry. During your consultation with Dr. Buford, you'll discuss concerns and review your medical history.

Making an informed decision about nipple reduction and revision surgery is crucial. By understanding your goals and evaluating your case, Dr. Buford can determine if nipple surgery is right for you.

He'll explain the procedure, potential outcomes, and any associated risks. You'll feel empowered to make an informed decision aligned with your expectations.

Enhance Your Body & Confidence

Nipple reduction and revision at BEAUTY by BUFORD give you a great solution to address aesthetic concerns. Dr. Buford provides natural-looking results so you feel comfortable and confident in your body.

Trust the expertise of Dr. Buford and our skilled team to guide you through this journey. It's our goal to give you an exceptional experience. Take the first step towards a more confident you. Schedule your consultation in our Lone Tree office today.